Cookies policy

This Cookies Policy is an integral part of our General Terms of Use and our General Sales Conditions (available in the “General Terms of Use” and “General Sales Conditions” sections of the Site).

We have prepared this so that all Users can be fully informed with regard to (i) the cookies that may be installed on their connection terminal, whatever it may be (computer, tablet or smartphone), (ii) the use that may be made of these cookies, (iii) as well as how to activate or deactivate them, according to the User’s preferences.

The cookies that may be issued by DEL ALMA SARL are used solely for the purposes described in this Cookies Policy, subject of course to the choices made by the User by means of the settings in the browser software used to visit the Site and/or the Services that are offered.

What is a cookie?

A “cookie” is a text file that, during the period that it is valid, allows its issuer to recognise a particular connection terminal each time this terminal accesses digital content containing cookies from the same issuer.

When you use your internet browser to visit our Site and/or its Services (which may include advertising content), information relating to the path taken by your connection terminal may be recorded in cookies which are then installed on your terminal and/or your internet browser.

How are the cookies used?

1/ The types of existing cookies:

Before addressing the types of cookies, it is essential to make it clear that only the issuer of the cookie (i.e., its creator) is able to read or modify the information contained in a cookie.

There are different types of Cookies:

  • Temporary cookies and permanent cookies:
    • Temporary (or “session”) cookies are automatically deleted at the end of your browsing session.
    • Permanent cookies remain on your terminal for a length of time that is specific for each cookie and they remain valid until their expiration date (unless you delete them before then).
  • Proprietary and third-party cookies:
    • Proprietary cookies are the cookies installed by the Site domain (these are the cookies installed by the Company),
    • Third-party cookies are those placed on the internet user’s connection terminal by the server of a domain other than that of the Site (for example, cookies from publishers of audience measurement solutions or social networks).

2/What cookies do we use and for what purposes?

a) Browser Cookies

These Cookies are essential for browsing our Site and they allow us to improve the performance of the Site and/or the Services we offer, so that you can enjoy an improved and optimised user experience.

These Cookies are exclusively deposited on your connection terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone) by DEL ALMA SARL, without requiring your prior consent.

You may of course object to these Cookies or delete them at any time by following the procedure described in Article 3(B) of this Cookies Policy, but your user experience may then be degraded.

Possible functions of these cookies:

  • To save personal information you provide or choices you make during your use of the Site and/or the Services.
    For example, your choice of country, language, etc.
  • To ensure that the presentation of the Site and/or the Services is optimised for your specific and personal needs.
    For example, display and browsing is visually optimised for your connection terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone), and/or your operating system, and/or your internet browser and/or your selected language of use, etc.
  • Implementing security measures.
    For example, when you need to reconnect to the Site after a certain period of inactivity on your internet browser, etc.
  • To allow access to the member area of the Site and/or the Services.
    For example, to connect you to your personal account (User Account), using your personal identifiers, particularly by using the “Remember me” function

b) Analysis Cookies

These cookies give us the possibility to collect statistics and measure the number of visits and the use of the various features on the Site and/or the Services (search and use patterns, content visited, etc.). They enable us to optimise and improve these features, for example by modifying the ergonomics, the content offered or the ease of searching for the information you wish to find.

All the information collected by these cookies (by means of Google Analytics) is aggregated and is therefore anonymous.

These cookies are deposited on your connection terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone), without requiring your prior consent.

You may of course object to these Cookies or delete them at any time by following the procedure described in Article 3(B) of this Cookies Policy, but then we will not be able to determine when you visit the Site.

3/How do i manage my cookies?

Modern software allows you to manage your cookies easily and efficiently.

It is important to remember that any personalised setting of your cookie management is likely to modify your internet browsing, as well as the conditions for your access to certain sites and/or services requiring the use of cookies.

a) Acceptance of Cookies:

You give your consent (i) by clicking on the “OK” button on the information banner displayed when you first connect to the Site and/or Services (ii) by agreeing to continue your browsing after this initial validation. This acceptance takes place when you choose to click on a feature of the Site and/or the Services (a link, button, image, etc.) (iii) by choosing to go to another page of the Site and/or the Services.

Of course, you can choose to change this setting at any time in the technical settings pages of your browser.

If you have previously activated the acceptance of Cookies from the Site and/or the Services in your connection terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone), the cookies included in the pages and content that you have consulted may be stored temporarily in a dedicated space on your terminal. They will only be readable by the issuer, and only for the time period that they exist.

In any case, cookies are kept for a maximum period of thirteen (13) months after they are deposited on your connection terminal.

b) Refusal of Cookies:

If you refuse to have cookies recorded on your connection terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone) or if you choose to delete those that are already recorded, you will no longer be able to use a certain number of features which are nevertheless necessary to visit certain areas of the Site and/or the Services. For example: accessing the Site and/or the Services that may require personal identification protected by a password.

In such case, we decline all responsibility as to the consequences related to the limited, degraded or even impossible operation of the Site and/or the Services resulting from your refusal of cookies or because it is impossible for us to record or consult cookies that are nevertheless essential for the proper operation of the Site and/or the Services.

  • Configuration of the browsing software:

You choose the personal configuration of your browser software. Thus, you can configure your browsing software to allow cookies to be saved on a one-off or permanent basis on your connection terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone) or to be systematically rejected. This choice can also be set individually and specifically depending on the particular issuer and your precise needs.

Each internet browser allows you to configure your cookie management easily and efficiently.

To choose your personal settings, here are some useful links for the principal internet browsers currently in use:



Internet Explorer™ :



c) Additional Information:

  • Information Platform about Cookies:

In order to better understand and control cookies of any origin, and not only those of our Site and/or Services, that are present on your connection terminal (computer, tablet or smartphone), we invite you to consult the site at this address:
This site is published by the E.D.A.A. (the European Digital Advertising Alliance) which brings together professionals in the digital advertising industry.

By visiting this site, in addition to additional information about behavioural advertising and the protection of privacy, you will be able to find out which companies are registered and which companies offer you the possibility of refusing or accepting the cookies they use to adapt the advertisements displayed on your connection terminal to your browsing information.

  • Updating this Cookie Policy:

From time to time, we may change this Cookie Policy, for example, to reflect changes in the law, technological advances, the introduction of new proprietary or third-party cookies (such as network cookies or advertising cookies that require your prior consent), or good business practices.

Naturally, we will keep you informed of any substantial changes.

  • Questions, complaints or suggestions:

If you have any questions, suggestions or other concerns relating to the processing of cookies or how the Company collects and uses cookies regarding you, please feel free to contact us using the “Contact” section of the Site.